Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Our last few days in Jeffreys Bay were really nice, but as for was to put it simple a shit hole. we were in a place so dodgy you cant walk around the city even in broad day light...and the hostel was shit and over priced. however we made it through that and then many hours in transit in joburg and cairo airport. we are now in Italy and its pretty awesome. we are liking Milan...especially the Gelato! Its stinkin hot and so humid...but its such a good change after South Africa! Anyway off to Venice tomorrow...and then on to Croatia!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

More pics of Robben Island & Boulders Beach and the Labia for Hava


France & Uruguay pre match, Us outside Green Point Stadium, The crowds in the streets of Cape Town, A view of Cape Town from the top of Table Mountain.

We survived the 11 hour bus ride rather well...and actually slept the majority of the way. Apparantly the drive up along the garden route is really nice...but since it was dark we couldn't see it anyway. We are now in J-Bay and it's pretty awesome. we are in a party hostel right on the beach and the weather today is warm and sunny. If the weather stays the same it looks like we are just going to be beach bums for the next few days XD

Now to try and add some more pics...

Us on top of Table Mountain

Monday, June 21, 2010

Moving On

We have had a good few last days, Robben Island was amazing. The tour was run by ex-prisoners and was so interesting. Boulder Beach was also great, got right up close to the penguins...and some other strange wombat looking like animals. Anyway today is our last day in Cape Town. We are taking a 12 hour bus ride up to J-Bay tonight. Apparently the weather is a bit warmer up there...we are hoping so anyway!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Been here a week...

We have been here a week now and its good...we are heading out to robben island tomororw if the weather permits as the seas have been rather rough.its also really cold, about 7degs in the days! we are also going to catch a train to boulders beach and see the penguins too...a[art from that not much here is happening. just drinking cheap drinks, eating cheap food, and watchin the aussies get smashed! as for photos the internet is hella slow there wont be any for a while! sorry! thats all for now...until next time xoxox

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The first few days...

So the first few days have been incredible! We have climbed Table Mountain, which was amazing. A somewhat challenging climb when the boulders you climb up are between knee and waist high, but definately worth it. The view at the top is unreal. I'll post a pic here if i work out how....otherwise ill try facebook when i can

Yesterday we went to the fan fest where the big screen is, it holds approx 25 000 and we partied there all day (with a fulll crowd) watchin the opening ceremony and south africa vs mexico. so much spirit, the people are crazy! the street are full too. nothing like home. we also bought vuvuzelas, so much fun to play - everyone has stand offs playing them in the street and from balconys/cars etc. we went to the match france vs uruguay last night. the stadium is awesome, however the game was a bit average... but still heaps of fun! Oh and we had the most aweosme dinner last the Eastern Food Bizzare..the cheapest curries and muslim food in Cape Town and they tasted so good! whole meal for 2 of us = 30ZAR whihc is about $5

So thats the run down for now... we are off to have more fun!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cape Town

We have arrived in Cape Town...rather tired after 24.5 hrs of travel. We are right near Table Mountain, it's amazing! Can't wait to go up there. As we have just arrived we are now going to explore and have some fun!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Countdown

In one week from now we will be on the plane on our way to South Africa, so i thought i'd start a blog for those of you who wish to follow us on our adventure...