Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Our last few days in Jeffreys Bay were really nice, but as for was to put it simple a shit hole. we were in a place so dodgy you cant walk around the city even in broad day light...and the hostel was shit and over priced. however we made it through that and then many hours in transit in joburg and cairo airport. we are now in Italy and its pretty awesome. we are liking Milan...especially the Gelato! Its stinkin hot and so humid...but its such a good change after South Africa! Anyway off to Venice tomorrow...and then on to Croatia!


  1. Definately glad you are out of Joburg since it was crap and not safe!!
    So jealous of Milan though, can't wait to see photos. Wish I was there because it has been soooooo cold here. Can't wait till it's stinking hot and humid here again but that won't be for a while :(
    Glad ur having fun and missing you heaps!!

  2. Pleased you've arrived safely in Italy.
    Sounds like Joburg lived up to its reputation!!
    Its been very cold here so.You would certainly be lookin forward to the warm weather too.
    Hope you ejoy Italy then Croatia,the ferry should be nice.

