Monday, June 21, 2010

Moving On

We have had a good few last days, Robben Island was amazing. The tour was run by ex-prisoners and was so interesting. Boulder Beach was also great, got right up close to the penguins...and some other strange wombat looking like animals. Anyway today is our last day in Cape Town. We are taking a 12 hour bus ride up to J-Bay tonight. Apparently the weather is a bit warmer up there...we are hoping so anyway!


  1. Sounds like fun! I have been googling everything to look at pics of what you have been doing and seeing lol.
    Miss you heaps!!
    Love Lib xo

  2. Hope the trip to JBay was ok. Will be interested to see how you like it there & what the hostel is like & also if the beach lives up to its reputation.Hope Daniel enjoyed his b'day.Hope the weather is warmer for you.Pleased you enjoyed Robben Is & Boulder Beach,sounds like it was very interesting.
    What about the Kiwis In the soccer! Have been watching a few games & getting more used to the vuvuzelas,noisy things!!
    Take care,enjoy JBay,
