Saturday, October 9, 2010

An amazing end to Europe and a great start to the UK

After leaving Poland we headed back to Germany for a night in Dusseldorf before heading to Frankfurt. We were supposed to stay in Frankfurt for 3 nights but when we arrived and were told the most exciting thing to do there was visit the mall...we decided to leave a night early and head back to Munich to stay with Julia. Being with Julia was amazing!

Day One in Munich we had and early start and were drinking in line at Oktoberfest at 6:30am...after breakfast shots that it :-D we were at Oktoberfest all day until about 6pm. It was a great day, with more great music, people, atmosphere and mostly great beer.

Day Two we were taken on an awesome tour of Munich by Julia. Visiting the English Gardens, The Chinese Tower, All you can eat Chinese Lunch, the Surfers of Munich (kind of strange, they surf in a river/rapids thing but its amazing too watch), The Gate of Victory, the Hofbrau and so much more! The night ended with cocktails... a great end to continental Europe.

It was sad to leave Europe as it was such an amazing 3 months, but the Uk has proved to be a nice and fun suprise since arriving. We were in London for 5 nights and am now in Brighton but I will write about them in the next post.

Sorry for the lack of photos... I am having serious camera issues and cant upload!


  1. Sounds like a great way to end your time in Europe. All the sites in Munich looked nice (google photos lol), the surfers of Munich looked pretty interesting, not sure how they wouldn't hurt themselves on the rocks but it would have been good to watch.
    Hope you get your camera sorted out!!
    Love and miss you xoxo

  2. What a fantastic time you've had in Europe, you have seen & experienced so much!
    Oktoberfest & Germany is a wonderful way to end the Europe chapter. Hope the next chapters are as enjoyable!
