Monday, August 30, 2010


Spain has been incredible. The weather has been over 35 degrees every day and its so beautiful. We spent a few days in Barcelona going to the beach which is very nice for a European beach but an experience to say the least. While sunbaking there are numerous people walking around selling samosas, sarongs, sunnies, beer, sangria etc...although its funny to watch them all run when the police come. We visited the parks and saw Gaudis work (which is amazing)...loved the Sangrada Familia. We also saw the magic fountain which is very pretty. I hope to put some pics up soon.

We are now in Seville, which is awesome. We are in a great hostel with a bar, roof terrace and pool...very nice! Last night we went out for tapas and to a flamenco show which was unreal. The food was delicious and the show was full of passion and definately worth seeing. We also took a walking tour around the city today which was great. The history here is so interesting and the city shows that.

Sadly we only have 3 nights left in Spain and then we say goodbye to summer and are off to Belgium to eat waffles, fries and try as many beers as we can...before heading to Holland.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010


For our last two days in Paris the weather was still rainy, but we did get to go up the Notre Dame which was beautiful, walk the Champs Elysee, visit the Salvador Dali gallery (which was incredible, he is brilliant!) and we got so lucky as on the third night the weather cleared up enough that we were able to climb the Eiffel Tower. We walked the first 2 levels and then took the elevator to the top which was the longest lift ride, but the view was great as you can see out. Once at the top we got an amazing and clear view of the city. I also had a delicious but expensive glass of champers at the top to top the experience off. It was such an awesome night.

We are now in Madrid, Spain and it back to beautiful weather - 30 plus degrees. The city is beautiful and the night life is great! Tomorrow we are off to Lisbon, Portugal for a few nights and then its back to Spain to explore the rest of the country.


Sunday, August 15, 2010



We have been in France for a week now, and it is everything like you imagine when it comes to the tourist attractions...but have found the people to be no where near as bad as people say.

We started in Nice and spent both days swimming in the French Riviera, which is gorgeous! We also climbed castel hill which gave us great panoramic views of the city. We also experienced a great french meal, including Escargot...which is delicious! We then took a night train to Bordeaux which was another great city. Very old and had beautiful buildings. We are now in Paris and it's amazing...although the weather is rainy. We have been to the Lourve and the Notre Dame...and have seen the Eiffel Tower and are hoping to go up there tonight...

Au Revoir!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Trummelbach Falls

Interlaken, Switzerland - My utopia

Salzburg & the Austrian Alps


I finally got a computer where I can use the USB so here are some more pics

The end of Austria and Switzerland

We spent our last 2 days in Austria in a little city called Innsbruck. It was beautiful, it is basically a city built in the middle of a mountain range. It was absolutely gorgeous but not really too much to do there. We spent most of our time chilling out and enjoying the beauty of the city.

On Thursday we left Innsbruck early and caught the train to Interlaken, Switzerland. The train ride was amazing, everywhere you look is beautiful mountains and lakes. The weather was cold and a bit rainy with a lot of fog around...but still incredible to see. Since we have been here, we have spent time exploring Interlaken and Lake Brienz which is stunning. We also took a day trip out to Lauterbrunnen and from there hiked to Trummelbach Falls which is 10 glacier waterfalls inside a mountain cave. It was incredible...I hope to be able to post some photos when I have a computer that wîll allow me too. From there we hiked to Scheltenberg which was beautiful too. We were actually even able to walk inside a waterfall which was unreal. Its so amazing here with all the beautiful waterfalls, high luscious green mountains and then snow capped mountains all in one...Switzerland is my utopia. It is so serene and exactly like what you see in the photos. Unfortunatly today is our last day and tomorrow we are off to Nice, France, but its time for a new language and another experience. Cant wait.

Monday, August 2, 2010


We arrived in Salzburg on Sunday and being a Sunday everything was closed...luckily it was a nice day and we got to have a look around the new and the old city. Both very beautiful, and again another nice small town.

Today we left really early to go Eisriesenwelt, the worlds largest ice caves which are just over an hour away and situated in the Austrian Alps. The climb up took us about 2 hours and sits about 1650m high. The views were amazing, Ill try and post some pics below if and when I can. We then took the hour tour indside the ice caves where it was at least 0 deg cel where we walked a kilometer in up and down numerous built in steps with little lanterns to guide the way. The ice inside was spectacular and something I never thought Id see in summer. You cant take pics inside so if you want to see you will have to google them. They are amazing!

Tomorrow we are off to Innsbruck for 2 nights! Talk soon