Thursday, August 19, 2010


For our last two days in Paris the weather was still rainy, but we did get to go up the Notre Dame which was beautiful, walk the Champs Elysee, visit the Salvador Dali gallery (which was incredible, he is brilliant!) and we got so lucky as on the third night the weather cleared up enough that we were able to climb the Eiffel Tower. We walked the first 2 levels and then took the elevator to the top which was the longest lift ride, but the view was great as you can see out. Once at the top we got an amazing and clear view of the city. I also had a delicious but expensive glass of champers at the top to top the experience off. It was such an awesome night.

We are now in Madrid, Spain and it back to beautiful weather - 30 plus degrees. The city is beautiful and the night life is great! Tomorrow we are off to Lisbon, Portugal for a few nights and then its back to Spain to explore the rest of the country.


  1. let me know if u want to see joe and i will give u his number when u get back to madrid.if u see ronaldo throw a rock at

  2. there are some decent sized rocks here haha

  3. and what about the german rellies?

  4. A wonderful French experience! The Dali exhibition would have been fantastic as would chmpers at the top of the Eiffel Tower.
    I bet you are pleased to be back in warmer weather again.Hola Spain!

  5. indeed i loooooove spain! portugal is very hot too...i need more summer clothes though haha

  6. not sure about the gestapo relo's a at this stage.dont count on it.

  7. ok thats cool just lets us know cos could be cool to see them.

  8. Wow, it all sounds amazing :) Wish it was 30 degrees here!!
    Miss you xoxo

  9. Hi Guys
    The pictures look fantastic, good to see that Erin is still with you, we don't see too many photos of Erin.

    Looks like you are both enjoying all the new experiences.

    Miss You

    The Racks
