Sunday, August 15, 2010



We have been in France for a week now, and it is everything like you imagine when it comes to the tourist attractions...but have found the people to be no where near as bad as people say.

We started in Nice and spent both days swimming in the French Riviera, which is gorgeous! We also climbed castel hill which gave us great panoramic views of the city. We also experienced a great french meal, including Escargot...which is delicious! We then took a night train to Bordeaux which was another great city. Very old and had beautiful buildings. We are now in Paris and it's amazing...although the weather is rainy. We have been to the Lourve and the Notre Dame...and have seen the Eiffel Tower and are hoping to go up there tonight...

Au Revoir!


  1. Bonjour,
    Sounds like Gay Pari is fun except for the weather.Hope you got to see the view from the Eiffel Tower & all the other facets of the tower.
    Enjoy all that Paris has to offer especially the frogs legs!!

  2. Sounds like France agrees with you!! Can't believe that you like escargot though, I don't think I would be able to even try it lol. Have a safe trip to Spain (i think that's next right??) xoxo
