Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hope you all liked the few select photos i put up...it is probably time i gave another update though.

Leipzig ended up being a relaxing stop over, we visited the Rathaus, the Battle of Nations monument & the Stasi Museum which was unreal. Its actually set in one of the Stasi offices where interrogation cells and real cells originally were and still are.

From Leipzig it was off to Berlin! I love Berlin, it is such an amazing city. It was really full on with site seeing, drinking & eating really good and cheap food. The city just has this awesome vibe. While in Berlin we visited the East Side Gallery which is what I believe to be the longest still remaining part of the wall which is cover in art work and goes for ages...its unreal to see. We went to the documentation centre, the Jewish Museum, the Holocaust memorial, Topography of Terror, Check Point Charlie, Brandenburg Gate & the Bundestag originally the Reichstag. The history that still remains combined with the new cosmopolitan city is amazing.

Next was OKTOBERFEST in Munchen. Well actually first I had to drag rac to the shops to buy my own dirnl (a traditional dress worn in Bavaria) which I found within an hour and its so pretty! But then it was 2 days of delicious beer, german songs & dances and the most amazing people!

To finish off our first German visit, we spent our last night in Fussen where we visited Neuschwanstein Castle which was beautiful both inside and out.

Next in line was Poland...


  1. The East Side gallery is really something, I had a look on Google.Will check out the other sights. Obviously much to see in Berlin. Can't wait to see the dirnl.Did Rac buy the male equivalent? Enjoy Oktoberfest,the food,beer & atmosphere even if its still Sept!!

  2. Wow all your pics of this on facebook are amazing. Love the octoberfest ones! Especially your dress :) xoxo
